Alfred Strickholm


IU Bloomington


B.S., University of Michigan, 1951 (Physics and Engineering)
M.S., University of Minnesota, 1956 (Physics and Biology)
Ph.D., University of Chicago, 1960 (Physiology and Neurophysiology)
Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Uppsala, Sweden (Membrane Biophysics)
Emeritus Professor, Indiana University, 1999

Research Interests

Dr. Strickholm's early studies were in membrane ion channel electrophysiology and transport theory. This involved the invention of the patch clamp to record ion currents from large surface areas of muscle membrane. His research also examined excitation transfer down the transverse tubular system and mechanisms of excitation-contraction coupling. Other studies were on ion channel regulation of membrane potential by protein charged groups and the Na-K coupled ion pump. His current research involves instrumentation design to permit intra-cellular and voltammetric recording from small neurons to determine synaptic pharmacological pathways and interactions in neuronal systems; redesign of the single electrode voltage and current clamp; and the design of solid state microelectrodes for intracellular recording. He is presently using perfused brain slices of the hippocampus and amygdala for studies on synaptic modulation. Other current investigations involve examining the mechanism and control of catecholamine transport systems in reconstituted lipid membranes.


Strickholm, A. (1989). A hybrid patch clamp amplifier. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 29, 59-67.

Strickholm, A. (1995). A single electrode voltage, current- and patch clamp amplifier with complete stable series resistance compensation. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 61, 53-66.

Strickholm, A. (1995). A supercharger for single electrode voltage and current clamping. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 61, 47-52.

Strickholm, A. (1997). Cyclic A.C. sweep voltammetry provides increased sensitivity for detecting catecholamines. FASEB Journal, 11, No. 3, A210.

Strickholm, A. and Burke, K. A. (1998). Applications of micro-electrodes which utilize a metallic plastic electrode to replace normally used saline. Society for Neuroscience Absracts, 24, Part 2, 2037.